In early 2017, digital entertainment company Kyra TV launched weekly, challenge-led YouTube show PAQ — hosted by Dexter Black, Danny Lomas, Shaquille-Aaron Keith and Elias Riadi. PAQ shone light on the exclusive world of streetwear, rapidly attracting a number of views, the show propelled the quartet to the forefront of London’s creative industries, providing them each with a platform to accentuate their own individual styles and identities. Although the show was a hit, during 2020 Elias Riadi stated :
"Kyra didn’t cancel PAQ, we did. We manage to break out of a extremely complicated contract and had to finally have the courage to fight and leave a toxic situation we were emotionally and legally tied into in every way."
But where are they now, since the PAQ days have came to an end?
Photo: Joshua Meeks-Rayvon
Photo @rhysmarcusjay
Born in South East London, Catford, Lewisham United Kingdom, Shaquille is an Illustration and visual communication post-graduate of University of Westminster. With his innovation and unapologetic aspirations, Shaquille showcases a desire that takes us into a place of comforting artistry.
Shaquille-Aron Keith shared via Instagram:
"A month ago I opened up the doors and showcased my art/poetry for the first time to the public, in South Kensington, round the corner from the Victoria and Albert Museum it still feels like a dream, as a black kid from from Catford, Lewisham. I always wanted to do this since I was about 4 years old, long before anyone knew me from anything else other than art, though it was on for nearly 2 weeks, I wish I could’ve had it for 2 weeks more, I regret nothing and appreciate everything, and everyone who found the time to come."
Photo : Linden Staub
Hailing from Driffield, East Yorkshire, Danny Lomas has established himself as one of the UK’s best dressed and most coveted influencers. Danny possesses a unique style that resonates with Gen-Z whilst having the power to transcend to a much wider audience. Danny has an endless portfolio of top tier brands which he has worked with, including- Prada, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger & Woolrich just to name a few. Represented by Linden Staub Lomas his modelling career presented further openings, none more so than when he was chosen to part of a Stella McCartney show. Danny’s current focus is on creating fresh content for the brands he’s working with. And with the world on his doorstep in the Capital of the Wolds, he’s looking forward to discovering where the future takes him.
Photo : Next Management
Represented by Next Model London-based content creator and model, Elias Riadi is now one of world’s leading menswear and streetwear influencers, known for pushing boundaries and combining mediums in the fashion, photography and film industries. Developing progressive and successful fashion content creation partnerships with the likes of Maison Margiela Fragrances, Tommy Hilfiger, Tag Heuer and COACH. Post PAQ, Elias was awarded a place within the British Fashion Council’s choice of New Wave Creatives and so far has been featured in top global publications including GQ, WWD, The Telegraph, Dazed, VOGUE Italia and more.
Photo : The Handbook
Following PAQ, Dexter Black entered into the world of music releasing his own material including songs " DISGUSTING" "DEAD MAN" and " Graves ". With his silver skull rings and painted nails, Dexter Black brings something different to the fore. Usually dressed in head-to-toe black, Dexter still continues to highlight the PAQ Dexter fans know and remember he has now progressed into various other creative industries honing his craft within his music and visuals.